your pelvic naturopath,

dr kate hadfield, nd.

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naturopathic services and holistic pelvic care in Calgary


I help women choose what works best for their health care because ultimately, I trust that you know exactly what you need. Feeling connected is a result of understanding how your body works and having choice.


new naturopathic wisdom on the blog

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hi there, i’m dr. kate!

Naturopathic medicine is my calling. Allow me to explain…

When I learned about where babies came from when I was six years old, I went to school the next day and held court during recess, telling everyone that men provide the sperm and women do the rest of the work. From those rebellious beginnings, I chose this path so that I can support women like you. I see my role as a guide, helping you to feel grounded, find your center and honour your feminine wisdom.

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