naturopathic services for women who are ready to experience collaborative feminine care
You’re a modern woman. Brave, bold, and ready to take your health into your own hands… but you’re held back by a system that wasn’t created with women’s rhythms and needs in mind.
Honestly, the problem isn’t you. You’re doing all the things, trying to be a good patient - but you’re not seeing any improvement. The problem isn’t your body either. The issue is a healthcare system intent on making you a compliant patient for efficiency’s sake. A system that doesn’t embrace the individual or the rebel.
Let’s turn that upside down together…
I help women reclaim their rightful place in their own health stories with naturopathic medicine.
Vaginal Health
In our culture, the vagina is a place for sex, paps, birth and periods. But true vaginal health can be so much more. What if we considered the vagina as the gatekeeper to our creative centre, guarding our own abundant energy? When this space is out of balance we feel pain, discomfort and vulnerability. By addressing these imbalances, we not only promote a healthy vagina, but nourish your sense of connectivity.
Escharotic Treatment
At times, the cells of the cervix can undergo changes that may lead to more serious illness. Maintaining your awareness of your cervical health through screenings such as PAPs or HPV testing is vital for your well-being. Escharotic treatment is a topical, non-surgical treatment to the cervix used to selectively kill HPV-infected and dysplastic cells while preserving healthy, non-infected cervical cells.
Empowered PAPs
Regular PAP exams are an excellent way of staying connected with your pelvic health, specifically your cervical health. But who likes having paps? They’re uncomfortable, invasive and cold. I believe that we can re-think the vaginal exam. As your Naturopathic Doctor, I can offer paps as part of your care, but our approach can be more suited to your comfort. What if you inserted the speculum? What if I taught you how to do the pap exam by yourself? What if stirrups were never part of the equation? What if you actually got to see your cervix?
Pregnancy Care
My first passion is supporting women during their pregnancies. The road to birth can be challenging and many women look for natural health care options during their pregnancies. I love providing pregnant women with information about how to best address their health concerns from a naturopathic perspective. I’m also well connected with the local birth community and can recommend resources to find your ideal prenatal class, birth and postpartum doula, midwives and breastfeeding support.
Uterine & Ovarian Health
“In the uterus, the center of the pelvic bowl, lies the feminine power to create.” - Tami Kent
A healthy uterus is one that can receive and release energy. We tend to reduce uterine health to pregnancies and periods, but we lose its deeper meaning of gestation. The uterus is our creative centre and we can gestate not only our babies, but also our creative pursuits and deep desires. An imbalanced uterus can cause tremendous pain, stress and stagnation in our lives. Your ovaries sit with your uterus in your pelvic bowl. They produce eggs and vital reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone. They also represent your fire energy, fueling your creativity while still nourishing your body.
Bladder Health
We tend not to think about our bladders until there is a problem. Often times bladder health is a sign of a deeper issue within the pelvic bowl. Leakage can be due to weak pelvic floor muscles or even an imbalanced gut environment. A healthy bladder is one free of spasms, pain and unexpected releases. The bladder can also be connected with past birthing experiences, feelings of fear or anxiety and even chronic stress.
Postpartum Support
The shift from pregnant woman to postpartum mother is deeply transformative. Everything changes in a single instance and your world is never again the same. Unfortunately, our culture does not provide the support a new mother needs and deserves, leading to a multitude of challenges. As your Naturopath, I like to watch over your postpartum health while you nurture yourself and your new baby. From perineal care to breastfeeding support, I can help you begin your new journey as a mother in a gentle, nourishing way.
Menopause Support
Menopause is the shifting of identity to the wise woman. While we are taught to view it as yet another female affliction, it represents the passage into being an elder of the community, full to the brim with experience and knowledge. A smooth transition to menopause is largely based on hormone health. Hormones that are unbalanced can cause stressful symptoms that decrease your enjoyment of this time of life. Supporting your hormonal health creates a harmonious transition into your menopausal years.