Holistic Pelvic Care™ is a gentle, internal pelvic bodywork treatment pioneered by physical therapist Tami Kent.
Have you ever been curious why sometimes you feel very in tune with your self and other times… not? You already know that your muscles can become tightened, stressed and imbalanced from overwork. But did you know that this includes the internal muscles of the pelvic bowl? Daily stresses and life events impact your connection to your creative center. Any woman who is looking to reestablish a connection to her pelvic bowl or simply nurture her female body in a holistic way may benefit from one or more treatment sessions. I also offer a Wild Feminine Book Club to learn more about Holistic Pelvic Care™️.
Holistic Pelvic Care™ combines gentle, internal massage with energetic and emotional balancing techniques.
I help women reestablish strength and synergy in the pelvic musculature, increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, and help decrease problematic symptoms.
Holistic Pelvic Care™
Specific concerns that can be addressed include:
Painful sexual activity, intercourse, or sexual dysfunction
Urinary leakage or incontinence
Chronic bladder or vaginal infections
Fertility support
Preparing for conception/pregnancy
Postpartum complaints and recovery
Pelvic congestion
Uterine prolapse
Menstrual pain
History of pelvic trauma or abuse
Healing after pregnancy loss or abortion
What you can expect from a Holistic Pelvic Care™ session…
The first session is generally the longest where a brief history will be taken and where we will discuss your goals for treatment. This is also the time where we will discuss any questions or concerns you may have and review female anatomy and muscles. We will then move on to some basic external work and then, if you are comfortable, we may move on to internal work. Internal work involves the therapist inserting a lubricated, gloved digit into the vagina and assessing the musculature and connective tissue. Exercise and gentle massage techniques will then be initiated for the duration of the treatment session. Follow-up sessions are generally shorter once the initial goals have been established.
“Kate gracefully created a space that was safe, inviting and sacred for exploring this vitally important book. As a woman who feels intimately in tune with her self and feminine landscape I learnt so much I didn't know I NEEDED to know. Being able to discuss these topics with other like minded and soulful women was an experience I'm thankful for.”